Sunday, November 6, 2011

Love found me

You have reminded me I can love again and just how much love
I have to give....

Heart lost and felt so broken for so long.
Tossed like cheap token, it's all wrong.
Bledding as I stitched it back together,
Weeping as I tried to remember.
Remember how it felt before love was
my beautiful disaster.
Fucked up and torn into bloody pieces
by empty people with social diseases.

It felt empty, used up then lost to me once because I had
paid such a heavy cost to just be accepted.
But yet again I was lied to, stomped on and then rejected.
Left wondering what the fuck is wrong with me?
After she had my heart my again and held it all so gently
then just smashed it back into the ground like a shattered vase.
Then she prays and lecture's me about God's grace.
What did i ever do to be treated this way, I wanted
to die rather than live another tortured day.
But pondering if there's more inside that I could

I've been ripped on, taunted and driven to rage.
But I had enough and smashed that stronghold
apart and ripped the bars off that cage.
Cant just sit there behind that wall, gotta
get out even if on broken legs I'll crawl.
They tried to take away my voice and trap
me in their sick obsession.
But God showed me I had a choice that I
was His and not some cult posession.

Although my heart felt like it had died by a
strangling rope, I somehow crawled forth through
the ashes and found real hope.

See my heart?
There's barb's, thorns and rusty nails,
but somehow love cuts through the scorn
and it prevails.

And I could've just screamed in pain and frustration
'cause of all the women lying saying they have compassion.
They never bothered to mention it was conditional.
How can you have someone share with you when he's vulnerable
and then turn two faced based on what was confidential?

Shit, I was ready to give up. I believe in love but my heart
had wounded wings like a hurting dove. But then I met you and
you quickly became a close friend and told me you'd be there 'til
the end.

Get so sweaty, heart gets so heavy but I know that you are steady
and have shown me so much love already. And I'm not running scared now.
I know I'm not choking now and your not joking now. When you
say you'll be there I can let go without a care.

And it doesn't matter if my heart still has stitches, 'cause I
know I can trust you unlike all those bitches.
I just know that were part of something much bigger than us.
In the end it comes down to the equation that love is the highest vibration

And you can call me baby and I can call you my lady

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